Write Out Loud
FADE AWAY ft. Betsy Wolfe (by Will Shishmanian and Brooke Trumm)
Written by Will Shishmanian and Brooke Trumm
Performed by Betsy Wolfe
Music Direction by Benjamin Rauhala
Orchestrations by Macy Schmidt
Band: Alan Stevens Hewitt (bass), Justin Goldner (guitar), Rosa Avila (percussion)
Engineer: Thom Beemer at Reservoir Studios
Videography: Madison Louderman with Ellie Gravitte
Thanks to the Write Out Loud Board: Taylor Louderman, Hannah Kloepfer, Benjamin Rauhala, Sarah Glugatch, Josh Collopy.
Listen to all our winning songs on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/4KZbrviP4Grq59MqQ36PvO?si=CbiszDVzRKuzPMx-g_IQQQ
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